Young Researcher Travel Award (2 awards)

Young Researcher Travel Award (2 awards)


Description: In the present field of rapidly changing interests and knowledge in paediatric dentistry, the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry organizes this competition for young researcher members of EAPD, under the age of 35 years on the date of the EAPD Congress. It is offered in order to help financially young members to present research and participate in the biennial Congress of EAPD.

Prize: 1000 € and a Certificate

Sponsored by: Colgate

Procedure: EAPD members wishing to participate in the competition must submit their abstracts during the submission period of the EAPD Congress. The Scientific Committee will review and evaluate all abstracts submitted for this competition and decide soon after the closing date of the submission the 2 winners of the Award. They will be then be informed of the decision and can participate in the Congress without expenses for a maximum amount of 1000 €, concerning accommodation and travelling. EAPD guarantees early registration fees regardless of the date of registration.

Abstracts that are not selected for the travel award may still be accepted for presentation at the Congress – the presenting authors will be informed of acceptance or rejection by the Scientific Committee.