EAPD Award Winners - 15th EAPD Congress, Hamburg, Germany, 2020

EAPD Award Winners - 15th EAPD Congress, Hamburg, Germany, 2020

For this 15th EAPD Congress, Hamburg Germany, 2020, there are 5 awards announced:

  • 1 EAPD Young Researcher Traveller Award,
  • 3 EAPD Young Scientist Awards and
  • 1 award which is a donation from Swiss Paediatric Dental Society (SVK) Sedation Award


EAPD Young Researcher Traveller Award

The abstract comes from Queen Mary University in UK and the
presenting author is Wei Tan


Which tooth is best to estimate age using the London Atlas?

Tan W*, Davies JA, Liversidge HM
Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom


EAPD Young Scientist Awards

There are 3 EAPD Young Scientist Awards.


One abstract comes from the Trinity College, University Hospital in Dublin, Ireland and the presenting author is Isabel Cristin Olegario

Stainless steel crown versus bulkfill composites post primary molars pulpectomy: 1-year survival and acceptance results of a RCT

Olegario IC*, Bresolin CR, De Araujo MP, Hesse D, Raggio DP
Dublin Dental University Hospital, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland


An other abstract comes from The Eastman Dental Center in UK and the presenting author is Nikos Lygidakis

Antibacterial properties of novel dental composites containing polylysine.

Lygidakis NN*, Allan E, Ashley P, Young A
Eastman Dental Institute, United Kingdom


And one more abstract comes from Ghent University in Belgium and the presenting author is Elanagai Rathinam

Calcium dynamics and molecular signaling of dental pulp stem cells in the regeneration potential of calcium silicate cements

Rathinam E*
Department of Paediatric Dentistry and Special Care, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium


Swiss Paediatric Dental Society

This abstract comes from Marmara University Turkey and the
presenting author Selcuk Mert Ozcelik


Effectiveness of the “Pain-free Dental Injection” (PaFeIn) teaching model in children: a randomized, controlled study

Ozcelik SM*, Akyuz S, Bekiroglu N, Kucuktepe C, Kuscu OO
Marmara University, School of Dentistry, Department of Paediatric Dentistry, Turkey