NEWSLETTER Number Four December 1995

NEWSLETTER Number Four December 1995

Message from the President
EAPD Congress at Bruges, 8-11 June 1996
Dental Roadshow in The Baltic Republics
Biannual General Meeting of the EAPD
Minutes of the Biannual Assembly of the EAPD
Report on the ASDC 1995 Annual Conference
Burges 1996 - Provisional Program
Second Milupa Symposium
Future Meetings

Message from the President.

By now all of you have got the information enrolment forms and abstract forms for the EAPD 3rd Congress, 8th to 11th June 1996 in Belgium. The programme looks great and Professor Luc Martens and his organising committees are to be congratulated. It is now importand that we all try to go to Bruges and join the highly scientific presentations but also to take part in the dynamic process of Academy that goes in parallel with the other parts of the program . We can all support such a development by presenting ideas, talking part in discussions and reporting experiences. In the context I will go back to my message in the last Newsletter (No.3/95). There was a discussion and suggestion on how the Academy should handle the issue of Quality Assurance in Paediatric Dentistry. The proposed strategy was to find a group of interested colleagues within the Academy and discuss the formation of a working party with the aim to propose guidelines for quality assurance. All is of course dependent on the acceptance of the Council but without exploring the interest and also experiences in the field it is difficult to get started. Therefore I take the liberty to extend an open invitation to you to take part in such an exploring discussion on some early morning hour (before the scheduled programme] at the Bruges Congress. Please contact me by fax: +46 7122 35 before 1st March 1996 if you are interested. I will then contact you with more information about the time and place after consultation with Professor Luc Martens.

Dear friends, I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and express a hope that we will find mutual inspiration in the development of our Academy.

Goran Koch

Stop Press:
EAPD Congress at Bruges, 8-11 June 1996

Deadline for Abstracts l5th December 1995
Further details from the Congress Organiser-Secretary:
Prof. Luc Martens
Dept. Paediatric Dentistry, De Pintelaan, 185 9000 Gent, Belgium-Europe
Tel: (+32) 9 240 40 00 Fax: (+32) 9 240 38 51

Dental Roadshow in The Baltic Republics

The theme was prevention and the place was The Baltic Republics, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. This incredible dental bonanza was put on the road by Procter and Gamble and Mars Incorporated. It took months of planning and preparation to ensure that the organisation, which can be a bit fragile in these countries, did not falter at the last moment. There were three speakers; Bente Nyvad from Aarhus University talked about the importance of brushing the teeth with a fluoride dentifrice, Alan Richards, also from Aarhus provided an update on fluorides and I talked about diet and its role in prevention of dental caries. Though the lectures were in English there was simultaneous translation into the local language. None of us had much experience with this form of translation and all sorts of curiosities arose out of this arrangement. For example I made a joke half way through the lecture and nobody laughed. I went on to more serious issues and suddenly the whole audience started laughing and only then I realised that the translator was always two slides behind.

October 4th and the first stop was Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania. If you were asked to picture yourself the places where you could see the best Renaissance and Baroque architecture you would call to mind Florence, or the famed churches of Rome. Yet in Vilnius there is a wealth of secular and ecclesiastical buildings from both those periods, mingled with fine work that survives from the middle ages. The dental roadshow was a national event, with the blessing of the Health Ministry. Over 650 dentists packed the Concert Hall. This meant that there were so few dentists actually in practice, the government had to put out special announcements on the media to advise people on what to do in the case of a dental emergency.

The second stop on the 5th October was the beautiful city of Riga, the capital of Latvia. Riga is a gem of a city with the Grand Dome Cathedral, one of the most remarkable buildings of the 13th-4th century, standing proud in the Dome Square in the centre of the city. Again the turnout for the dental lectures was phenomenal. The dental profession in Latvia, starved of modern information for so long, has an unquenchable thirst for new ideas and there is no doubt will soon catch up with the rest of Western Europe.

The final stop was the University city of Tartu in Estonia. The monument to Kristjan Jaak Peterson, the first Estonian to be admitted to university education stands proud on Cathedral Hill in the University grounds. As in the other two countries the entire dental profession came to the lectures, with over 500 dentists present throughout the day.

Paediatric, Dentistry as we know and practice is non existent in these countries. In fact dentistry is low on the priority lists and there are more pressing economic difficulties. However, efforts are being made to get dental public health measures off the ground to fight the very high levels of dental caries and periodontal disease. What is most remarkable is that even though years of Soviet domination and poor economic circumstances have dented peoples confidence, everyone is talking about and looking forward to a better and a brighter future. We should provide every help and support that is possible. Exchange of scientific information is important, possibly through exchange of staff As members of the Academy are committed to highest quality of care for children, we should export our ideas, keeping in mind the economic pressures and enormous metamorphosis that these countries are undergoing at present.

Monty Duggal
Lecturer/Senior Registrar in Paediatric Dentistry
Leeds Dental Institute 

Biannual General Meeting of the EAPD

Notice of Biannual Meeting to be held on June 11th,1996 at 12.15 noon in Bruges.Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the above assembly will be held to discuss the following agenda:

  1. Welcome and introduction by the President Prof Goran Koch
  2. Apologies for absence
  3. Minutes of the meeting held in Athens, June 8th,1994
  4. Matters arising
  5. Secretary’s Report Prof Martin Curzon
  6. Treasurer's Report Dr John Roberts
  7. Committee Reports
    a. Constitution Prof Olafur Hoskuldsson
    b. Membership & Credentials Prof Martin Curzon
    c. Education Prof Luc Martens
    d. Scientific Committee Prof Goran Koch
  8. Election of Officers
    Nominations Committee Prof Martin Curzon
  9. Future Congresses1998, 2000, 2002
  10. Any Other Business

All members are encouraged to attend Any other matters of business should be notified to the ,Secretary at least 30 days before the Assembly.

Minutes of the Biannual Assembly of the EAPD

A Summary of Council Meeting June 7, 1995


94.1 Opening
The Assembly was opened at 12.05 pm by the President Prof. Martin Curzon who welcomed all delegates to the second Congress of the Academy. He particularly wished to thank Prof. Constantine Oulis and his committee for the organisation of the Congress in Athens which had been a great success. Over 350 delegates had attended the Congress which was a great tribute to the organisers and a measure of the growth of the Academy which now numbered over 200.

94.2 Apologies for Absence
There were none to report.

94.3 Matters Arising from the Minutes
Constitution. It had been drawn to the attention of the Council that while the present Constitution was functioning well, experience, as the EAPD had grown, showed that alterations to the Constitution would be needed. Council therefore proposed that the Constitution Committee be kept in its present form and that it would continue a review so that alterations could be made as needed. This was accepted by the Assembly. It was noted that, as a result of the experience of the Greek Group, during the organisation of the Athens meeting, changes were needed in the method of review of scientific abstracts. This would be reviewed.

94.3 Secretary's Report
The Secretary reported that the membership continued to grow and the overall membership was close to 200. It was expected that this would continue. During the 1993 and 1994 several Newsletters had been issued.It was felt that there should be at least four issues a year.However more material for each issue was needed and members were encouraged to submit letters, conference reports or notices of meetings in Paediatric Dentistry. Each issue consisted of four pages at present but it was hoped to increase the size and quality of the Newsletter. The Secretary's Report was accepted.

94.4 Treasurer's Report
The Treasurer reported that the finances of the EAPD were sound. Subscription income continued to be in excess of expenditure. The latter consisted of mainly office expenses and the costs of production of the Newsletters. There was some difficulty with members paying their subscriptions but these were being sorted out.
In a discussion of the report it was noted from the floor that it might be better to be able to pay by credit card. The Treasurer said he would look into this. The Treasurer &127s Report was accepted.

94.5 Committee Reports
The new edition of the Constitution was presented and accepted by the Assembly. Comments made earlier, under Matters Arising, about changes were re-emphasised.

Membership. The membership continued to grow very satisfactorily. There continued to be problems with applications not being in the correct format and the time taken to process them was felt to be too long. It was requested from the members that the process should be speeded up.Under the Constitution the Chairmanship of the membership and Credentials Committee was the responsibility of the Immediate Past President which would now take effect.
As Dr Morand was now completing his term of office the President recorded the thanks of the membership for his efforts.

Education. The Education Committee had been most active in the past year in preparing the draft documents on guidelines for Postgraduate Training in Paediatric Dentistry. A draft set of guidelines had now been prepared which was being discussed in a Work- shop at the present Congress. It was planned that any suggestions, additions and changes would be incorporated in a final set of


guidelines to be issued later in 1994.
The President commented that the hard work of the Education Committee under the Chairmanship of Professor Martens was very much appreciated by the membership.

Other Committees. The President drew to the attention of the members that the Constitution called for a number of Committees other than those already in existence. The Council suggested that the Assembly should approve of the formation of a Nominations Committee so that in 1996 there should be a proper nomination and election of offecers.
This was agreed and, following nominations from the floor, the following were appointed:
Chair, Past President
Dr Ulla Schroder (Sweden)
Dr Billy Fenlon (Ireland)
Dr Damaso Caprioglio (Italy)
Dr Franz Frankenmolen (The Netherlands)

94.6 Election of Officers
The President informed the Assembly that an election was required for the posts of President-Elect and Secretary / Treasurer. One nomination had been received for President-Elect, that of Professor Constantine Oulis.
There were no other nominations and Professor Oulis was elected on a show of hands.

Secretary - Professor Martin Curzon was also nominated to continue as Secretary
This was also approved.

Treasurer - It was noted that there was now a separateTreasurer, Dr John Roberts.
He was also appointed for a further term of two years.

Installation of The President. Professor Koch took over the Presidency from Professor Curzon who handed him the President's `Gavel of Office'. This had been made of pieces of wood from all the representative countries of Europe. President Koch thanked Professor Curzon for his work during his term of office and, together with President-Elect Professor Oulis, presented him with a plaque commemorating his Presidency. Professor Curzon thanked the Assembly for their support and encouragement and wished Professor Koch success in the coming two years.

94.7 Future Congresses
The 1996 Congress was to be held on June 8-11th in Bruges, Belgium. Professor Martens, Co-President, gave a presentation on the site and program for the 3rd Congress of the EAPD. This was received with great interest and promised to be a very successful meeting. Scientific Abstracts would be requested from members and other delegates in due course and an abstract form would be issued to members late in 1995. The themes for the Congress would be "Connective Tissue Disorders in Children", "Fluoride Releasing Dental Materials" and "Dental Care of the European Child".

Congress 1998. No definite plans had yet been made for the venue of this Congress. The Council would be considering proposals in due course and hoped to report to the membership at the next General Assembly in 1996. Members wishing to propose sites for future Congresses in 1998, 2000 and 2002 should contact the Secretary.

94.8 Any Other Business
There was no other business and therefore the President, Professor Goran Koch announced the closure of the Assembly. He thanked those present for attending and making the Congress such a success. In particular he acknowledged the support of those companies who had provided such generous finance for the Congress. He also thanked the members of the Greek organising committee for all their hard work in making the Second Congress such a success. He finally wished all members a safe journey home and looked forward to meeting everybody again in Bruges in 1996.

94.9 Date of the Next Assembly
The next General Assembly would be held in conjunction with the Congress in Bruges on a day and time to be set.

See also:


Nominations are requested from the membership for the positions of:
President-Elect, SecretaryTreasurer

Nominations must be sent to members of the Nominations Committee at least 60 days before the General Assembly, must be signed by at least two Active members and should have the agreement of the person nominated.

Report on the ASDC 1995 Annual Conference
Palm Springs, California, October 1995

This small friendly meeting was held at the desert resort of La Quinta. Lectures were held throughout the mornings, leaving the remainder of the day for sport, socialising and sightseeing.

  • Breakfast With The Experts' was a well-attended session covering a wide variety of subjects. The small group format of informal seminars resulted in much lively debate.

  • Several mini-clinics and table clinics were also given.

  • Three long lectures were given - by Dr Joe Camp: "Management of Traumatic Injuries to the Primary and Young Permanent Teeth", Dr Martin Rayman: "The Doctor Will See All of You Now or Working with Children and Parents in Dentistry" and Dr Richard Mungo: "Selection and Use of lasers in Dentistry for Children and Young Adults".

A most enjoyable conference!

John Roberts - London

BRUGES 1996 - Provisional Program

June 8-11, 1996



Trauma Update:
Friday 7th June, All day program
Professor Jens Andreasen
Royal College of Dentistry University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen Denmark

This course will give an update on the latest research and techniques for the treatment of oro-facial trauma in children and young adults.

Sedation in Peadiatric Dentistry:

Saturday 8th June, Morning Half Day 9.00-13.00
Dr Anna-Lena Hallonsten Institute for Postgraduate Dental Education, Jonkoping Sweden

This course is designed to give training and instruction in sedation with particular reference to relative analgesia and intra-venous sedation.

Inerceptive Orthodontics:
Saturday 8th June Morning Half Day 9.00-13.00
Professor Luc Dermat Dept of Orthodontics University of Ghent, Belgium

This course will cover aspects of interceptive orthodontics including six year molar problems and premolar transplants.


  • Glass Ionomers and Fluoride Releasing Adhesives

  • Developmental Disorders in Children

  • Dental Care of Children in Europe

Oral and Poster sessions will be held on all of the above topics and any others based upon submitted abstracts.Deadline for abstracts will be l5th December 1995. Further details will be in the next issue of the Newsletter.

The Congress Social Programme has been designed to allow everyone an experience of the Burgundian atmosphere of the ancient city of Bruges. The Congress centre is located in a recently renovated medieval hospital 'Oud St Jan'. All hotel accommodations are situated within walking distance.

Further details may be obtained from the Congress Organiser-Secretary:
Prof. Luc Martens
Dept. Paediatric Dentistry, De Pintelaan, 185 9000 Gent, Belgium-Europe
Tel: (+32) 9 240 40 00 Fax: (+32) 9 240 38 51

Second Milupa Symposium on Nursing Caries


Nursing caries (nursing bottle caries) remains a significant problem throughout Europe. It affects approximately 5 to 10% of the infant population and does not seem to be declining. Despite many dental preventive programmes, such as water fluoridation, fluoride toothpaste and the many education initiatives, the condition persists. At the first Milupa Symposium the aetiology of the condition was discussed as well as the relationship of infant feeding in general and the use of sweeteners by babies and infants. Since that first symposium a number of research


and public health initiatives have been started in various countries of Europe. This second symposium will bring together a number of speakers to provide an update on some of this research. Speakers will focus on the identification of at risk infants, current research strategies, dental public health programmes and also how to deal with the restoration of the affected dentition. The symposium has been generously sponsored by Milupa and will be open to all registrants at the main Congress. This will be of interest to all Paediatric Dentists.

Future Meetings



1996 June 8th-llth Bruges Belgium
Co-President Prof Luc Martens

1998 June (Date and Venue TBA)
EAPD Congresses are held every other year to alternate with the IAPD Congresses

1996 Iceland (Date and Venue TBA)


1997 l6th-2lst September Argentina
1999 to be announced

1996 2Ζth-3lst May Chicago
1997 TBA Philadelphia

1997 TBA Australia



'The Medically Compromised Child'
At The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland

St Stephen's Green, Dublin 2
Friday 1Oth May 1996

Paediatric Oncology & Bone Marrow Transplantation

Dr Fin Breatnach Consultant Paediatric Oncologist, Dublin

Congenital Heart Disease in Children
Dr Naol Oslizlok Consultant Paediatric Cardiologist, Dublin

A Dental Service for Children with Congenital Heart Disease
Dr Richard Welbury Consultant Paediatric Dentist, Newcastle on Tyne

Skin Diseases in Children
Dr Rosemarie Watson Consultant Dermatologist, Dublin

Paediatric Neurology
Dr Joe McMenamin Consultant Paediatric Neurologist, Dublin

Diagnostic Imaging in Children
Dr Roisin Hayes Consultant Radiologist, Dublin

Paediatric Hospital Dentistry
Mr Terry Gregg Consultant Paediatric Dentist, Belfast

Deadline for application 29th March 1996 but early application is advised

Enquiries to: Dr Padraig Fleming, Department of Child Dental Health, Dublin Dental Hospital, Lincoln Place, Dublin 2, Ireland

Newsletter Editor:
Dr Maxine Pollard
Asst. Editors:
Dr Sue Hickson Dr Jack Toumba